
2014년 6월 8일 일요일


After reading _ (http://www.ict4lt.org/en/warschauer.htm)

-CALL with Pedagogical study
When we think about CALL, software and hardware stuffs come first in mind but this study, Computer Assisted Language Learning by Mark Warschauer approaches on a pedagogical way. Understanding and considering some of pedagogical facts are essential to teachers to have some mental structure and belief in themselves.

-Behavioristic CALL at the nowadays class
The crucial part of learning languages is repetition. Through repetition, the new words we learn at classes turn into the real alive language but it can't happen within the classroom only because it consumes a lot of time so those simple grammar and words can be done by using some of CALL tools. It can possible support students at home and classroom both as a tutor.

-Communicative CALL at the nowadays class
In a normal English classroom in Korea, there are usually more than 25 students. This makes teachers very difficult to make students use the forms they have learned so why not we use the target language and create a classroom environment where allows students to use it naturally. Internet offers authentic and creative environment.

-and Internet
What can't be available at WWW? Once you are a CALL person who got comfortable and interested in, you are going to enjoy endless and accessible authentic material. If this happens, that means Learning English occurs anywhere and anytime. It must motivate students to use and learn possibly anything. Even playing the online game requires to read some of English introduction and description.

I know it must be frustrated to accept the fact that much of computer and internet stuffs have been dominating our life and even our classroom environment but it is true. However once you overcome this as a teacher and adopt it into your class, you are going to enjoy it for sure. 


After reading _ (http://www.antimoon.com/learners/tomasz_szynalski.htm)

-Learning without going overseas or attending classes
Korean especially thinks that to learn English, we have to put much of money and go overseas or attend classes but unfortunately that seems to be too much. For more than 6 years of public education through a middle school to a high school, most of students don't get to speak English. Even worse, they become afraid of studying English and consider themselves as an unable English speaker no matter how much efforts they put into it.

-Learning with interests
-unlimited resources
But as Tomasz szynalski says in this article, learning English can be fun and enjoyable. There are indeed tons of unlimited resources learners can easily access on the internet, such as videos and articles on Youtube, Google and so on. Learning doesn't have to happen on a traditional way looking at the text book and drilling. When learners get interested in learning language, it gets totally different outcome than what we normally expect. On the internet, there are many people who we could only have met if we had travelled.

- Super-memo vs Quizlet

Sometimes those book contents are boring and unrealistic. It sounds too far from our life but teachers can make it fun even with the traditional classroom books. I have found Super-memo in his story and Quizlet similar. When leaning turns to a game, students usually get better results. Why learning has to be always serious and in class? Learning should be a long term journey in our life and especially Learning a language has no master moment so one of our responsibilities as teachers is to make sure students enjoy learning after classes and maybe in their entire life. I believe that letting students learn by using CALL tools and be close with internet stuffs would be a life-change experience.

2014년 6월 5일 목요일


Video- extention 


At the end of my class, to extend what my students have learned, I will show a  Youtube video which I found very interested in. A man in the video asks viewers some simple questions which can lead Ss to think about how they are going to enjoy their pancakes. This will reinforce and extend from the main class activities. Those questions which are from the video are on my Comix and I make Ss fill the blanks as their homework. Interesting, funny and enjoyable homework ever!!


This is the main part of this class which actually gets my students to learn how to read a recipe and learn some kitchen verbs and utensils. Powtoon has an interesting presentation outlet and is very convenient to upload and arrange some images than Power Point so in my opinion, Ts may love to use this program since it is very handy!! I will provide a pancake recipe worksheet along this presentation.

Assignment 2_Quizlet


My Quizlet is used after the contextualization and before getting into the main class material. This will help student build words power so that they might not feel afraid of seeing some words at the next presentation. Among those words I have put on, there should be some words which Ss have already learned at the previous class and some they are going to learn through this class. Using Quizlet can turn the vocabulary learning into a game, not like a boring paper test!!

Assignment 1 _ Padlet

Video - contextualization

Link to my padlet



QR code is available!

I would like to use Padlet at the beginning of my class with a Youtube video which attracts and contextualizes my students. At first Ss watch an interesting video, How to make pancakes, which has no words at all. On this stage I want Ss to get excited and active the brain working. After watching the video, I will discuss some of their pre-expriences of making and having pancakes. I strongly believe that the first 5-10 minutes of the class is the most important time for my students in order to bring them into my class!!

2014년 5월 9일 금요일

Week 9-10 What tool I may apply in my class

Among those tools from Week 9-10, Mapsengine attracts me most. Asking and explaining how to get to the destination in English are crucial for students to use in their real life. But unfortunately in the text book, there are some examples of maps which students don't even know where those are and aren't comfortable with those names of the streets and certainly the maps would contextualize less than the one they know and are familiar with. So I would like to capture where they know to use it in my class or simply let paired students use Mapsengine with some directions in English, one explains how to get and another listens, looks for and pins the destination. I expect the motivation and contextualization of my students to bump up!

2014년 4월 21일 월요일

2014년 3월 30일 일요일

What&How I might use to teach my students_Week4

First, I will definitely use Hang Out. 

Until now, I used Skype to teach and communicate with my students but the quality of the service was actually very poor and there is no special functions than just a video chat.

But since I have used Hang Out, it offers the better connection and many functions such as sharing my screen, saving and modifying the video call and so on.

Second, it will be Quizlet

On the post activities after reading and listening classes, I would like to use it to reinforce some key words and since it is really easy to make one, I might ask Ss to make it and exchange with partners.

Third, I would like to use Youtube videos.

I think that using some text books is not enough to teach the culture and reality of the native and there are tons of good quality, informative and interesting videos on Youtube.

so I may use them to introduce some of the new stuffs that we don't have in Korea, for example, Saint Patrick's Day which I hadn't known and learn by watching Youtube.

Using text books only just like in my childhood wouldn't satisfy my students. It would be wasteful not to use these since they are already there to be used and it will be way better to use them 100 percent for sure!!

2014년 3월 29일 토요일

My first movie maker!

Doing Movie Maker is as easy as Microsoft office word.

I've cut off the video to update but if you would like to watch the full video here is the address!!!


2014년 3월 28일 금요일

TED shows how well people can communicate and how much people are clever!

This is a video from TED. TED is owned by a nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation. Its agenda is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation! This website is beyond your imagination!! You should know what is going on there!

2014년 3월 16일 일요일

My thought.. after week1 and 2

After trying those tasks of week1 and 2 , I was surprised, pretty much shocked!!! I only knew about NAVER, the hottest website in Korea and I have to say that I was just like a frog in a deep deep well (It's a Korean way to express somebody who doesn't try to know all around but is satisfied with the present itself only). Goggle Universe is really clever and people in Korea should come out from the well and see around and have to see how clever Google plays tons of information. really happy to step out from my previous world and thank Jeff for letting me looking around and having a chance to open my eyes.

Of course I am still wondering around and don't know where to go! but i am sure that I can get a help and will enjoy these soon!!

This is genius!!! Love it!

study by playing a game!!

This is great!
This is how you practise th sound^^!!